Technical Excellence
Strategy Development In a field as complex as telecommunications, with rapidly changing technology and FCC rules, it's easy to be confused about which solution to pursue. We have proven experience in developing technology plans, system designs and project plans in dynamic telecommunications environments.
Without a vision for the future we believe you will have no basis for making solid decisions about your system design and technology selections. We are experts at helping our clients develop a telecommunications vision and assuring its success.

Areas Of Expertise
Our professional experience encompasses the planning, engineering design, implementation, and operations of all forms of transmission media.
These include:
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Our Team Approach
Depending on the project and task, most Utility Telecom work involves close contact with the client. From complex multi-year projects to brief engineering or licensing services, we work with and constantly update the client regarding task status. Many projects, for example strategic planning engagements or project management responsibilities, involve on-site teams with both client and Utility Telecom personnel.
And behind the scenes, we provide a team of experts as needed. In addition to the principals of the business, we have additional expertise and support personnel available as needed. These resources range from Senior Consultants, Planners, Field Engineers and Contract Negotiators to experienced CAD drafters.
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Our Market Strengths
Unlike many of our competitors, who address a broad range of consulting services and include telecommunications when needed, Utility Telecom spends 100% of its time in the Telecommunications arena. Our expertise is in telecommunications systems for the utility and energy industries.
We know how to interface with complex energy management, protective relaying, SCADA and power control systems and understand the criticality of your operations. We can provide the most cost effective, efficient, and reliable information network to interconnect all these systems.
This gives us a distinct advantage over other consulting firms since we understand the peculiarities of your business. We understand it because it is our business. It has been for over 13 years. We have a proven background and hands on experience with mission critical industrial telecommunication systems that many other firms lack.
We are proud of our reputation of putting the customer first in every area of our operations. We feel this attitude is one of the most important contributors to our success and to the success of the customers that we serve.
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